Sioux Rivers Regional Mental Health and Disabilities Services (MHDS) awarded Elderbridge Agency on Aging a $5,040 grant to be used towards Emergency Shelf-Stable Meal

The Sioux Rivers Regional Mental Health and Disabilities Services (MHDS) awarded Elderbridge Agency on Aging a $5,040 grant to be used towards Emergency Shelf-Stable Meals. Each year Elderbridge tries to provide emergency meals to homebound seniors and adults with disabilities when grant funding is available before severe winter weather arrives. Before the pandemic, meal sites closed an average of 5 days a year due to weather that makes it unsafe for volunteers to deliver meals. Most recently the pandemic created some barriers that Elderbridge is committed to working through to ensure consumers receive needed food. Thanks to the generous support of The Sioux Rivers Regional MHDS consumers living in Lyon, Sioux, Dickinson, & O’Brien Counties will receive emergency shelf-stable meals.

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Elderbridge Agency On Aging

