Elderbridge Caregiver Program

Caregiver Program Information

Family Caregiver Program

• Inform

• Encourage

• Empower

A woman and an older person looking at something on a tablet.

Family Caregiver Options Counseling

Through the 90-day Family Caregiver Options Counseling program, trained service specialists will connect you to information and resources through home and community-based service providers to help you in your caregiving journey.

Caregiver Specialist will:

Caregiver Specialist will-

  • Listen to your requests or problems.
    • Answer your questions.
    • Give you choices of service providers in your area (ex. respite care, home health care, homemaker services).
    • Make referrals if you wish.
    • Assist with applications (ex. Medicaid, food assistance, Medicare Savings Programs).

Family Caregiver Case Management

Through the Family Caregiver Case Management program trained services specialists

will connect you to information and resources through local and community-based

service providers to help you in the long term in your caregiving journey.

Grandparent and Older Relative Caregiver

Through the Grandparent and Older Relative Caregiver program trained service specialist will

work to coordinate resources and services to support the caregiver in their role.