Contact Info

Get in Touch

Accessible to those with disabilities, Elderbridge's four offices are conveniently located in Mason City, Carroll, Fort Dodge, and Spencer

Complaint Procedures

Elderbridge believes that all grievances related to service provision should be resolved as fairly and as quickly as possible.

Members of the public may call the Human Resources Department at 1-800-243-0678, ext 7035 to receive information on the agency’s grievance procedure including a written copy of our grievance form and process. This is posted on the bulletin boards at our four office locations for the public to view.

Click the link below to access Elderbridge's Appeals and Grievances PDF:

All new consumers that receive Elderbridge Services such as Case Management, LLL (Options Counseling) and Elder Rights receive a copy of our “Notice of Privacy Practice and Individual Rights.” This 4 page document provides information on Written Authorizations, Exceptions to Written Requirements, Consumer Rights, (Including filing a complaint) and a Signature Page, for the consumer to sign acknowledging that they have received a copy of this document. 


Contact Form

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