Aging in Place Fundraiser

Elderbridge Agency on Aging’s mission is to advocate for and empower older adults, caregivers, and individuals with disabilities to pursue independent, healthy lives. Your support can help offset the cost of home-delivered nutritious meals, in-home assistance, home repair or modification, and many other necessary support services. Please join others in making a difference with your donation to our 2021 Aging in Place fundraising event.

Below are a couple of stories about the support that Elderbridge has given:

Elderbridge assisted a gentleman that was a double amputee. He relied on a motorized wheelchair to get around. Medicare would pay for most of the new wheelchair, but would not pay for an add-on piece of equipment that moved the seat on the wheelchair up and down. The consumer desperately needed this piece of equipment and was unable to afford the whole amount on his own as it was $2,600.00. Elderbridge was able to contribute $1,000.00 toward the purchase of equipment.

Elderbridge assisted a female client with a shower chair so that she could take a shower safely. Her other shower chair did not fit into the tub properly. This device made her independent again with showering.

With your generosity, Elderbridge Agency on Aging will have more funding for consumers in our communities. Please join us on our journey. Your generous support is what will make it possible for those less fortunate to live and thrive in their community. Click here to -> DONATE and give generously today. You choose how much of a difference you want to make.

Elderbridge Agency On Aging

